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Insaniquarium Deluxe 1.1 Trainer Download

Insaniquarium Deluxe 1.1 Trainer Download Average ratng: 9,0/10 8101votes

For Insaniquarium Deluxe on the PC, GameFAQs has 41 cheat codes and secrets. U Pucker Insaniquarium Deluxe v1.0 (+2 Trainer). July 19, 2005 - 9:00pm. Insaniquarium Deluxe v1.0 (+2 Trainer). Insaniquarium Deluxe Add new comment. Add new comment. Your name (Login to post using username, leave blank to post as Anonymous).

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Insaniquarium Deluxe 1.1 Trainer DownloadInsaniquarium Deluxe 1.1 Trainer Download

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Open up Cheat Engine 5.5 downloaded at, www dot cheatengine dot org (No spaces) 2. Open up InsaniQuarium Deluxe:flock: Hacking Money (In the adventure) 3.

Attatch to, 'popcapgame1.exe' by clicking the flashing computer at the Top-Left side. (DO NOT ATTATCH TO INSANIQUARIUM.exe!) 4. Scan how much money you have [Press First scan]. (I have 200, first scan the value '200') 5.

'Everytime you drop, you lose 5 money' 6. Click NEXT SCAN. (I dropped 1 food, so now I have 195 money.) 7. Double-click the value at the right in the address box. (THERE SHOULD BE 1) 8. Now, it should appear at the bottom. (Double-click that number and change it to any NUMBER) 9.

You should see a freeze box at the left-side corner, and check it. Now, your money should be whatever NUMBER you put into it. Hacking Shells (In the Virtual Tank) 3. Attatch to, 'popcapgame1.exe' by clicking the flashing computer at the Top-Left side. (DO NOT ATTACH TO INSANIQUARIUM.exe!) 4. Scan how many shells you have [Press First scan]. (I have 200, first scan the value '200') 5.

Buy something, or wait for a fish to poop out shells. Click NEXT SCAN. (I picked up a blue shell from a carnivore, now I have 205) 7.

Double-click the value at the right in the address box. (THERE SHOULD BE 1) 8. Now, it should appear at the bottom. (Double-click that number and change it to any NUMBER) 9.

You should see a freeze box at the left-side corner, and check it. Now, your money should be whatever NUMBER you put into it. FAQs:becky: 1. It doesn't work Answer: Follow the directions thoroughly, or watch the video 2.

Where do you download Cheat Engine 5.5? Answer: Download it at, dot cheatengine dot org (No spaces) 3.

I attatched to 'insaniquarium.exe,' but it won't work! Answer: Your supposed to attach to 'popcamgame1.exe' 4. Can you make a Cheat Table for me? Answer: Yes, but it wouldn't be permanent. I can't buy something, or my money won't increase! Answer: You probably didn't change the value high enough, and the money won't increase because it freezes it, there will be no way for it to change in any way.

I saved it as a Cheat Table, but when I re-attatch to the game, it doesn't work! Answer: For some reason, this game prevents any permanent attachments to the game.

Although, it can be permanent if you have a good IQ of, 'what writes this address' but it will be permanent until you log off your computer. Will you be my girlfriend?:argue: Answer: No, I don't like you. Will you be my boyfriend? Answer: Sure! Ha ha, just kidding.

No I don't like you. Can we just be friends? Answer: I already have enough. I have no idea what your talking about, or what InsaniQuarium is. Answer: WELL GET OUTTA HERE!

Also, to find out, please press:embarassed: ALT + F4:embarassed: on your keyboard.:blah: Notes: This isn't permanent, you will have to repeat this process over and over if you quit the game. This works for the version of the game, 1.1 TRAINER RELEASED!